Groupement pour l’Amélioration des Liaisons dans l’Industrie Automobile

40 years: episode 4


40 years

40 years of contribution to iso works

GALIA, in collaboration with SASIG and AFNET, has successfully developed two vital STEP standards application protocols: STEP AP 214 and STEP AP 242. These protocols, officially known as ISO 10303-214 and ISO 10303-242, are critical for seamless data exchange throughout the product lifecycle and are integrated into all major CAD/CAM and PLM solutions. 

🔧 STEP AP 214: First published in 2003, AP 214 addresses the automotive industry’s need for interoperability in exchanging core product data, including design and manufacturing information. It ensures accurate data exchange between different CAD systems, improving collaboration, reducing errors, and enhancing efficiency. Key features include geometric and topological representation, product structure, assembly, configuration control, and PLM processes like versioning and change management. 

🚀 STEP AP 242: Released in 2014, AP 242 focuses on managed model-based 3D engineering. It’s designed for industries like aerospace, automotive, and defense, facilitating comprehensive 3D model data exchange. AP 242 supports Model-Based Definition (MBD), embedding manufacturing data within 3D models, reducing reliance on 2D drawings, and improving long-term data archiving. 

Since their release, both standards have been continually updated to meet evolving industry needs. GALIA provides extensive guidelines and recommendations to optimize these standards’ use, including data exchange, long-term archiving, digital engineering visualization, collaborative BOM data exchanges, and engineering change management. 

Explore these resources on GALIA’s website to enhance your product development processes! 🌐