Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators for Automotive Supply Chain Management
This recommendation defines standard key performance indicators for materials management and logistics in the automotive industry. Common indicators will facilitate understanding between business partners, align with the requirements of Global MMOG/LE and support risk management.

Guidelines for reporting freight greenhouse gas emissions
Freight Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting is becoming an increasingly important topic for the industry and cannot be ignored. New standards are being published and there are rising demands for data both from external customers and public bodies as well as to meet the internal GHG accounting objectives of companies. These Guidelines have been bublished specifically for the automotive sector. They are directed at helping all those involved to understand the basic principles and to adopt a consistent approach that will support both recent and future standards and legislative requirements. Rather than introducting new methodologies, these Guidelines make recommendations based on use of the most appropriate existing initiatives. These are initiatives being adopded by industry as a whole and so these Guidelines may be helpful fo those engaged in other sectors besides automotive.

Logistics Service Rating
This recommendation proposes a common definition for the logistics service rating in the automotive industry.