Groupement pour l’Amélioration des Liaisons dans l’Industrie Automobile

New Digital Technologies in the Automotive Supply Chain

AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Dataspaces…: these new technologies can significantly improve the supply chain. But beyond trends and initial POCs, what will our evolution look like?  What techniques do we want to implement and what standardization is needed in the automotive industry?

This working group aims to:

  • Share first experiences from members of the GALIA Community.
  • Inventory the use cases that these new technologies can address, complementing existing solutions. And as well map the issues that the current technologies can not solve.
  • Initiate potential standardization projects within GALIA.

The e-community space gives you access to:

  • Minutes
  • Presentations
  • Work documents
  • Contact details of Group participants
* Reserved for Working Group participants

You would like to bring your expertise to this group

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